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Rezerva-ti urmatoarea masa la Innocent & Delicious pana pe 15 Decembrie in cea mai in voga locatie de pe Calea Victoriei cu codul LOVEMOKI la comentarii si primesti o reducere de 10% la nota. Promotia se cumuleaza cu alte promotii existente in locatie.

Reducerea se acorda doar celor care precizeaza codul in momentul rezervarii online. Codul nu este transmisibil, promotia fiind valabila doar pentru clientii Nordic Restaurants in locatia MOKI – Modern Kitchen.

Book your next table at Innocent & Delicious until December 15th at the now hot spot location on Calea Victoriei with the code LOVEMOKI in the comments, and receive a 10% discount on your bill. This promotion can be combined with other existing promotions at the venue.

The discount is only applicable to those who specify the code at the time of the online reservation. The code is not transferable, and the promotion is valid only for Nordic Restaurants’ customers in the venue MOKI – Modern Kitchen.